About AMCB
Mission and objectives
The objectives of the club are to promote and encourage responsible breeding of purebred Alaskan Malamutes, as well as responsible ownership and the working ability of the breed by:
- Abiding by the principles of the AMCB Code of Ethics.
- Educating members and the public at large via distribution of accurate information about the breed during AMCB organized activities.
- Counseling and assistance is available through a network of volunteers for individuals and families experiencing difficulties with their Alaskan Malamutes.
- Encouraging and promoting the purebred breeding of Alaskan malamutes by doing all possible to bring their qualities to perfection.
- Urging members and breeders to accept the standard of the Breed as approved by the FCI as the only standard of excellence by which the Alaskan Malamute shall be judged and to work towards eliminating genetic defects as they become known to exist in the breed.
- Encouraging responsible pet ownership and be available to provide assistance to pet owners.
- Doing all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the Breed by encouraging and promoting sportsman-like competition at dog shows, sled dog trials and obedience trials.

President, redaction and expositions: Nathalie Peetermans
Secretariat: Ana Mincke
Treasury: resigning, there is a vacancy open
Breed responsible: Martine Van Poucke
Activities: Astrid Van de Graaf Croes, Ana Mincke
Webmaster: Nathalie Peetermans, Astrid Van de Graaf – Croes
Final redaction: Heidi Zösmaier
Member administration: bestuur@amcb.info